
A) Tourism investment
At the level of the wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou we have:
– 23 projects in progress with a bed capacity of 2,185, a number of jobs of 1,132, for an investment cost of 7,545,371,971 da.
– 23 un-launched projects with a bed capacity of 2,588, a number of jobs of 774, for an investment cost of 8,594,381,869da.
– 11 shutdown projects with a bed capacity of 1,563, a number of jobs of 794, for an investment cost of 2,220,130,166 da.
– 03 projects completed for the year 2021, with a bed capacity of 130, a number of jobs of 62, for an investment cost of 422,643,000 da.

B) Tourism development

The tourism development of our wilaya is done through different type of media (local radio, television programs); the Directorate’s website.

C) Tourism products

The wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou conceals enormous tourism potential, the relief of the wilaya allows us to classify the tourism product as follows: seaside tourism, urban tourism, rural tourism and cultural tourism.

D) Investment support

Through the regulations governing the tourism sector, we have Law 03-03 of 02/17/2003 relating to expansion areas and tourist sites as well as Executive Decree n ° 19-158 of 04/30/2019 defining the hotel establishments and setting the conditions and modalities of their operation, classification and approval of their manager.

E) How to invest?

To invest in the tourism sector, you have to go through 3 phases:
Phase 1: You must be the owner of a piece of land, or formulate an application for a land base with the services of the department of industry and mines of the wilaya.
Phase 2: formulate an approval file for the plans with the departments of the Department of Tourism and Handicrafts of the wilaya to send it to the departments of the Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts in order to obtain an agreement in principle for the project .
Phase 3: Submit the building permit application file to the planning services of the wilaya town planning department or the APCs for the start of construction work on the project.